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Children and Youth Ministries

Sharing God's Word, Living His Love

If you are interested in learning more about Children’s or Youth Ministry, or for additional educational resources for children and families, please email Rebekah Bajwa.

Children’s Ministry

Children’s Church

Takes place on Sundays as part of our 8:30am Worship Service. The children follow the cross out of Worship to the Music Room for a service on their level after the Children’s Message. The children are brought back to Worship during Sharing the Peace.

What is the purpose of the Children’s Church?

Our goal with this program is to connect children in a relationship with God using lessons and activities that are on their educational and developmental levels. The final outcome of this ministry is for the child to go back into the worship service, ready to actively listen and follow along with their parents. They are not meant to stay in children’s church forever. This program is designed to be a greenhouse where the children grow in their faith and understanding, are active in learning and studying with the word, seek to apply it to their lives and learn more about praying and Scripture. If a parent would rather keep their children in the worship service with them and use that as an opportunity to help them connect with the sermon, engage with the service, and actively participate in worship, they are highly encouraged to do so!

Family Night Wednesdays

Wednesdays September – May from 6:45pm – 7:30pm

We offer Christian Education classes for children K - 5th Grade in Classrooms 4 & 5. For little ones, we offer childcare in the Nursery Room. Children are welcome to join us at 5:45pm for the meal in Reese Hall before class with their families.

For more information about Family Night contact Rebekah Bajwa.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an annual, week-long educational event that takes place in the summer. VBS combines crafts, games, songs, and Bible study to enhance children’s walk with God. Rising Kindergarteners through 5th graders attend daily sessions and discover the wonders of God’s love and grace.


Youth Ministry

Family Night Wednesdays

As a part of our Family Night, we offer Wednesday night Christian Education (6:45pm – 7:30pm) in the Youth Room for high school students. Middle school students participate in Confirmation classes on Family Night and will be assigned a Classroom 1, 2, or 3 based on their class size and year (CY1, CY2, CY3). All students are welcome to join us at 5:45pm for the meal in Reese Hall before class with their families.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation is a 3-year program for middle school students in grades 6th – 8th, where they learn the foundations of the Christian faith. The goal of the Confirmation process is to engage youth in a life-long journey of faith including participation in the body of Christ (the Church). The purpose of confirmation ministry is to provide an intentional opportunity for baptized Christians who desire to deepen and explore their faith, read and study scripture in the community, and learn about Christ’s church through the lens of the Lutheran tradition.

First-year students (CY1) learn about the Lord’s Prayer, Sacraments, and Bible fundamentals.

Second-year students (CY2) learn about the 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s Creed (a statement of faith).

Third-year students (CY3) learn how God’s Word applies to their life today. In CY3 students select a Bible verse that has significant meaning to them to be their confirmation verse. At the end of Confirmation, the students stand before the congregation and confirm their faith.

High School Youth

Each summer our students go on a trip. To help cover the costs throughout the year we have multiple fundraisers from Pine Straw in the Spring to a Chili Cook Off in the fall. Check the “What’s Happening at HCLC” to see our upcoming fundraisers.

Yard Sale: Save the date for May 3rd. We will collect items the week before

The Gathering

Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity.

The next Gathering is July 18th - 24th, 2025 in New Orleans. All high school students (even those graduating 2025), and those rising into 9th Grade age 14+ in 2025, can attend the Gathering. We have 17 students going to New Orleans this summer.

Please contact Rebekah for more information. 

A video from the 2022 Gathering in Houston, TX.

Summer Mission Trip

We go on a Mission Trip each summer during a non-gathering year. In 2024 we will go to Elizabeth City, NC, and work on people’s houses with Group WorkCamps.

If you would like to attend or learn more, please contact Rebekah.

Mobile App
Coming Soon!
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