The Promise
A promise is an assurance that a certain thing will come to pass. We make promises all the time. Sometimes we see them through, other times they never become a reality. However, when God makes a promise, we can be confident that He will be faithful to bring it to fruition. The Bible is full of promises from God to His people, and there is one life-changing promise we celebrate every Christmas: God’s promise of a Savior named Jesus.
The Promise is a 4-week sermon series that will look at the promises God fulfilled through Jesus. We offer additional worship services on Wednesday nights during our Advent season to prepare us for our promised Savior. Worship will take place on Wednesdays from 7:00pm – 7:30pm, with dinner served from 5:45pm – 6:30pm. Please join us for the following worship services:
Sun., December 3 – The Promise of Love (Luke 1:26-38)
Wed., December 6 – The Promise of Peace (Isaiah 40:1-11)
Sun., December 10 – The Promise of Forgiveness (Mark 1:1-8)
Wed., December 13 – The Promise of Joy (Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11)
Sun., December 17 – The Promise of Hope (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
Wed., December 20 – The Promise is Coming (Children’s Christmas Service)
Sun., December 24 – The Promise is Jesus (Christmas Eve)
Christmas Eve Worship
3:00pm – Contemporary Candle Light Worship
5:00pm – Traditional Candle Light Worship
7:00pm – Traditional Candle Light Worship with Communion
**No Sunday morning worship services on Christmas Eve.
In God’s Service,
Pastor Bill Beyer
Children's Ministry
Wed. Education: At Children’s Christmas Program Rehearsal from 5:30 – 6pm in the Sanctuary on 12/6 and 12/13.
The Children will perform their Christmas Program on 12/20 at 7pm.
• Sign up your family to join us for dinner. https://bit.ly/40KvPke
• Children’s Church: Happens during the 8:30AM Worship after the Children’s Message. The children follow the
cross out of Worship to the Music Room for a service on their level. The children are brought back to Worship
during Sharing the Peace.
• What is the purpose of Children’s Church? Our goal with this program is to connect children in a relationship with
God using lessons and activities that are on their educational and developmental level. The final outcome of this
ministry is for the child to go back into the worship service, ready to actively listen and follow along with their
parents. They are not meant to stay in children’s church forever. This program is designed to be a greenhouse
where the children grow in their faith and understanding, are active in learning and studying with the word, seek
to apply it to their lives, and learn more about praying and Scripture. If a parent would rather keep their children in
the worship service with them and use that as an opportunity to help them connect with the sermon, engage with
the service, and actively participate in worship, they are highly encouraged to do so!
Nursery: Open at both services for children birth – 3 years old.
Adult Education: We are taking a break in December. Tuesday Morning Classes and Wednesday Night Classes will pick back up in January.
Youth Ministry
Confirmation: Wednesdays
CY1, CY2, CY3 Students: Attend Advent Services at 7pm and complete Sermon Notes.
- Family Dinner will be from 5:45pm – 6:30pm in Reese Hall. Sign up here
Youth Ministry
- No classes on Wed. in Dec. We’ll start back on January 3, 2024.
- Lock-In Friday, Dec. 8th 7pm – 7am Bring a wrapped present $5-$10 for the gift
exchange. Let Rebekah know you are coming! Please wear something Christmasy!
Fundraisers for the Youth:
Scrip Fundraiser Scrip is a great way to help raise funds for youth ministry. Every church member can easily earn $1,000 or more for youth ministry by buying gift cards through us. BJ Johns is our scrip coordinator. If you want more information, please send her an email at bjkjohns@gmail.com.