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Who Will You Serve 4 Who Will You Serve? “Trusting Faith”
[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Video"][/siteorigin_widget] Job 38:1-11 June 23, 2024 Have you ever met someone who you would consider to be a modern-day Job?  Usually we think of…
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Who Will You Serve 1 Who Will You Serve? “Made For You”
[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Video"][/siteorigin_widget] Deuteronomy 5:12-15 & Mark 2:23-3:6 June 2, 2024 Let’s see, I’ve got 3 meetings tomorrow, the children have soccer practice tonight; one has…
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6 June 2024
A Chat with Pastor Bill... I always find it amazing how some people in the Bible had a tremendous passion to serve God despite suffering…
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5 May 2024
A Chat With Pastor Bill... Many of you know that I am a runner and whenever I run I time myself hoping to go a…
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